We're on a mission to clock up 47 million #SEAsteps between now and the end of June, virtually walking around the world and stopping off at the countries in SEA's International Network.

When the #SEAsteps journey began our target was to reach Australia, where the seed of SEA was planted. We powered through those first 20 million steps ahead of target and have decided to keep going, extending the journey to visit our partners in the United States and Canada, before heading back home to the UK.

The challenge began as a way to bring the SEA team together and get outside during the pandemic, as well as an opportunity to "visit" our international partners. Now, we're asking you to join in — help us complete our journey and raise funds to support our work transforming responses to economic abuse.

We'd love for you to join us on our journey and use this tool to log your steps or follow our progress. If you are interested in coming along, use the 'join our journey' button to donate £20. You can use this tool to log your steps or follow our progress. We'll see you along the way!

Join our journey

Follow our progress

Steps so far


START: London, UK - goal met

STOP 1: Valletta, Malta - goal met

STOP 2: Stockholm, Sweden - goal met

STOP 3: Rome, Italy - goal met

STOP 4: Vilnius, Lithuania - goal met

STOP 5: Tel Aviv, Israel - goal met

STOP 6: Taipei, Taiwan - goal met

STOP 7: Dhaka, Bangladesh - goal met

STOP 8: Colombo, Sri Lanka - goal met

STOP 9: Islamabad, Pakistan - goal met

STOP 10: Wellington, New Zealand - goal met

STOP 11: Canberra, Australia - goal met

STOP 12: Los Angeles, USA - goal met

STOP 13: Ontario, Canada - goal met

FINISH: Return To London, United Kingdom - goal met